Youth at Grace

The teenage years can be defining times in a young person’s Christian walk.  Grace's Youth Ministry exists to provide junior and senior high students a place to come together and deepen their knowledge of God while building quality friendships with one another.  We seek to continually point them to Christ and help them live out the Gospel in this fast-paced and often hostile world.

Sunday School

Our junior high and high school class covers a number of challenging subjects including the Westminster Shorter Catechism, apologetics, church history, and Reformed theology.

Youth Room

Following the worship service, you can find the kids hanging out in the Youth Room playing ping pong, foosball, basketball, and a variety of other games.  

Youth Camp

Be sure to check out our Youth Camp page and stay up to date on this year's exciting and edifying week in Palomar Mountain with fellow Reformed Christians from all over Southern California.

2024 SWRYC