Following Jesus (John 1:35-42)
Pastor: Ben Muresan Series: John Topic: John Scripture: John 1:35–42
First Scripture Reading: Exodus 20:1-17; Romans 13:8-10
Second Scripture Reading: Matthew 16:1-28
Sermon Text: John 1:35-42
Have you ever explained the gospel to an unbeliever? How did the conversation begin? There are many examples in the New Testament in which Jesus’ followers shared the gospel with others. Sometimes it was on a grand scale, such as when Peter preached on the day of Pentecost and 3,000 people put their faith in Christ and were baptized. Sometimes it was on an individual basis, such as when Philip explained to the Ethiopian eunuch about how Jesus fulfilled Isaiah’s prophecy, and the eunuch believed and was baptized. In every instance, the seed of the Word was cast, and God gave the increase according to his will. Kim Riddlebarger explains:
While the Reformed believe that preaching is the primary means of evangelism, there is no doubt that “witness bearing” by each of Jesus’ disciples to their friends, family, and acquaintances is a very effective means of evangelism. Jesus calls all of us to do this wherever and whenever possible. If you are a disciple of Jesus, you are to be a “witness bearer.”
- For review, read John 1:29-34. What was the significance of the events that took place during Jesus’ baptism? Is every believer baptized with the Holy Spirit?
- Think about your experiences in talking to non-Christian family members and friends about your faith. Was it difficult? What anxieties or fears hinder your Christian witness?
- What is significant about John the Baptist’s declaration in v. 36? What did he believe was the most important thing for his disciples to know about Jesus?
- What do you make of the question Jesus asked in v. 38? What did Jesus intend to accomplish by asking this question?
- Why is it important to both tell others about Jesus and also to invite them to church according to Westminster Confession of Faith chapter 25, paragraphs 1-3.
- What does Jesus’ declaration in v. 42 reveal about what he intended to accomplish in Peter’s life?
- Read John 1:43-51. What do you think Philip meant in v. 45? What are some things you learn about Jesus from these verses?
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