June 30, 2019

Guest Preacher - How to Hang in There (Psalm 42-43)

Pastor: Guest Preacher Series: Guest Preachers Topic: Guest Preacher Scripture: Psalm 42:1– 43:5

First Scripture Reading: Isaiah 55:1-13

Second Scripture Reading: Matthew 26:30-46

Sermon Text: Psalm 42:1-11 - Psalm 43:1-5

Consider these words as we prepare to celebrate the Lord's Supper this Sunday:

The bread and wine represent the crucified body and the shed blood of the Savior, which he gave for his people. In this sacrament, God confirms that he is faithful and true to fulfill the promises of his covenant, and he calls us to deeper gratitude for our salvation, to renewed consecration, and to more faithful obedience. The Supper is also a bond and pledge of the communion that believers have with him and with each other as members of his body. As Scripture says, "For we being many are one bread, and one body: for we are all partakers of that one bread" (1 Cor. 10:17). The Supper anticipates the consummation of the ages, when Christ returns to gather all his redeemed people at the glorious wedding feast of the Lamb. As we come to the Lord's Table, we humbly resolve to deny ourselves, to crucify the sin that is within us, to resist the devil, and to follow Christ as becomes those who bear his name. (from The Directory for Public Worship)