Reformation Sunday - October 27, 2024
April 28, 2019

The Lord's Supper (Luke 22:7-23)

Pastor: Ben Muresan Series: Lord's Supper Topic: Lord's Supper Scripture: Luke 22:7–23

First Scripture Reading: Exodus 12:1-28

Second Scripture Reading: Exodus 12:29-51

Sermon Text: Luke 22:7-23

Consider these words from Guy Prentiss Waters:

From Genesis to Revelation, and at many points in between, God uses the image of a feast, meal, or banquet to characterize some of the most cherished teachings of Scripture. God prepares a bountiful table and invites the undeserving to sit with him there. The table, in all its abundance, points to the spiritual blessings that God gives his people—life, joy, peace, and glory. It points supremely to the chief blessing—God himself. The table represents God’s condescension in drawing sinners to himself, redeeming them, and inviting them to communion with him. The glory of this communion is that it is not limited to this life. Death cannot rob us of it. In fact, Jesus stresses, the best is yet to come. We have been treated to an appetizer in this life. The fullness of the meal awaits us when the Savior returns. (The Lord’s Supper As the Sign and Meal of the New Covenant, p. 83)