
Sheltering in place for the past few weeks has allowed us all to experience a new sense of material and personal limitations.  We’ve seen the store shelves limited in their stock of bottled water and bread, and we have all been limited from congregating, recreating, and entertaining in the many ways that were familiar to us just weeks ago.  In glaring ways, we are now seeing how finite everything is in this fallen creation. 

We should take pause and consider the attribute of God’s Infinity in light of all the limitations surrounding us presently.

The Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 2 describes God as “The one only living and true God, who is infinite in being and perfection….” Infinite “in His being” means that all of His attributes—His wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and so forth—are infinite.  God’s being cannot be measured, contained, limited, or exhausted.  To describe God as infinite “in His perfection” we profess that all the properties He possesses He possesses in absolute perfection.  Therefore, while God’s divine nature cannot be restricted, neither can His perfections be limited.

This truth about our infinite God should give us great solace in a time when our earthly leaders and technical experts are displaying their human limitations about this pandemic.  They do not know how long this threat will last or how severe the consequences may be.  Their knowledge, power, wisdom, and money are all limited, incomplete, inadequate, and insufficient.  In contrast, the God we have the privilege to call our Father, in times of joy or sorrow, is boundless.  Nothing can limit Him, and everything He is, it is to absolute perfection.

Hebrews 13:8 proclaims, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”  No health pandemic, economic collapse or political crisis can change who He is and what He has accomplished for His church.  He does not change because He is already perfect in every way (infinitely so), there is no need to grow, evolve, or modify His plans.

This should give every Christian great solace because the salvation of His people is certain.  No matter what happens next to give the world concern, as Christians we have a sure peace and hope; especially in a time when the only confidence we have is in our unchanging and infinitely perfect God.  What a great witness we have to share with our colleagues (via WebEx) and neighbors (remaining six feet away) as to why we are not despairing though others lose hope.  Whatever we lack now, in these strange times, may it point us to the One who lacks nothing in all of His infinitely perfect attributes.  Though we are restricted from our favorite restaurants, beaches, and one another for a time, we have access; we have permission now to draw near to the One whom no one can restrict or hinder; to worship Him for who He is, and all He has done for us.